Vista Reinsurance specializes in assisting with the development and placement of MGA programs. Over time, Vista Re's brokers have established solid relationships with a large group of carriers, MGA's and reinsurers that work together to capitalize on each participant's expertise to ensure a successful program launch.
Our brokers are known for developing MGA programs and will assist with:
- Initial Program development
- Establishing a working relationship with potential carriers & MGA's
- Introducing third party administrations for services when needed
- Structuring and placement of reinsurance if required
- Assisting with contracts drafting

New York, New York
The senior management of Vista Re has an average of 30 years' experience and have expertise in all forms of reinsurance. Treaty reinsurance is placed with reinsurance markets worldwide.
Classes of business serviced include:
- Commercial and Personal Auto
- Workers Compensation
- Medical Malpractice
- General and Professional Liability
- Umbrella/Excess Liability
- Property, Including Catastrophe, Risk and Proportional Coverages

Hamilton, Bermuda